
In Greek mythology, Nyx was the primordial goddess of the night, one of the first beings to come into existence, born from the void of Chaos. She was considered the embodiment of darkness, and was often depicted as a dark, hooded figure, shrouded in shadows.

Nyx was known to be a powerful and mysterious goddess. She was the mother of many other figures in Greek mythology, including the three Fates, Hypnos (god of sleep), Thanatos (god of death), Morpheus (god of dreams), and the Oneiroi (gods of dreams). With her children, Nyx was responsible for the realm of the night and the subconscious.

According to the myths, Nyx was said to have been feared by both gods and mortals alike, and was often invoked in spells and rituals to banish evil spirits and protect against nightmares. She was also associated with the concept of fate and destiny, as the night was often seen as a metaphor for the unknown future.

Nyx was not widely worshipped in ancient Greece, but she was still considered an important goddess and was often invoked in rituals and prayers related to the night and the subconscious.