
Demeter is the Greek goddess of the harvest and agriculture in general. She is one of the daughters of Cronus and Rhea, making her one of Zeus’ sisters. Her domain is of vital importance for the survival of all living things. When she disappears, her absence can cause distress, famine, and overall moodiness altogether. Indeed, the strong-willed Demeter was a force to be reckoned with.

This is clear when her daughter, Persephone, is abducted and married off to Hades. Those were not the brightest days for the world population. After those events, her mood still turned out to be a strong determinant for the seasons of the world. Her happiness would bring Spring and Summer. Her sadness would bring Autumn and Winter.

In this sense, Demeter has inherited the role of the Earth matron from her grandmother: Gaia.

Demeter did not marry, but she did succumb to the advances of her brothers, Zeus and Poseidon. Together with Zeus, she gave birth to Persephone, who was the joy in her life. Two of her other children were Arion and Despoina, who she conceived with Poseidon when they had both taken on the shape of a horse. Her final two children were created together with Iasion, a legendary King in Greece. These were Plutus and Philomelus. As is often the case in Greek mythology, all children of Demeter inherited some of her traits.