
Aegina is a figure from Greek mythology, known as the daughter of the river god Asopus, and the mother of Aeacus, one of the judges of the dead in the underworld. She was said to have been a beautiful and fair maiden, who caught the eye of Zeus. She was also said to have been the mother of Telamon, who was also known as a great warrior and one of the Argonauts.

Aegina was also known for the island of Aegina, which was said to have been named after her. The island was said to have been a prosperous and thriving place, thanks to the wise and just rule of her son Aeacus.

Aegina was also known for her role in the myth of the Argonauts. She was said to have been the mother of Telamon, and her son joined the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece.