
Taweret, also known as Taurt or Taueret, is an ancient Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility. She is depicted as a pregnant woman with the head of a hippopotamus, and was considered to be the protector of women and children.

Taweret’s origins can be traced back to the predynastic period of Egypt, where she was likely worshiped as a fertility goddess. In later times, she was associated with the goddesses Hathor and Isis, and was considered to be a protector of women during childbirth. Her cult center was located in the city of Thebes, and she was often depicted in amulets and statues as a way for women to seek her protection during pregnancy and childbirth.

Taweret was also known as the “Great One,” and was believed to be the one who controlled the forces of nature that were associated with childbirth. She was believed to be able to protect women from the dangers of childbirth, such as bleeding, stillbirths, and complications. She was also believed to be able to protect newborns from harm and ensure their safe delivery.

In addition to her role as a goddess of childbirth and fertility, Taweret was also associated with the protection of the home. She was believed to be able to protect the home from evil spirits and bad luck, and was often depicted in household items such as furniture and amulets to ensure the safety of the home.

Taweret was also considered to be a goddess of the afterlife. She was believed to be able to guide the souls of the dead through the underworld, especially those of women and children, helping them to navigate the dangerous waters of the Nile and protect them from harm.